Fábio andava pela rua. Olhava os sulcos da calçada e as nuvens no céu. Não se decidia para onde olhar. Mas naquele momento algo lhe chamou a atenção. Era verde, não azul, ou seria amarelo? Tinha dois, não três olhos grandes e brilhante, ou seriam pequenos e opacos. Tudo muito confuso, mas de uma coisa ele tinha certeza, estavam o olhando, o perseguindo, o chamando da janela daquela casa que nunca ninguém ousou entrar. Da casa da rua das Flores, número 157.
Mesmo após dormir Fábio não conseguia parar de pensar naquela estranha visão da tarde, os olhos o chamavam, o chamavam, o chamavam, continuavam chamando. Ele podia sentir, estavam o chamando agora. Nunca, em seus longos 17 anos de vida tinha sentido algo tão forte. Ele precisava levantar de sua cama e ir atrás daqueles olhos.Levantou. Saiu de casa deixando a porta aberta, para ninguém acordar com o barulho da chave trancando, sabia como sua mãe tinha o sono leve.
A casa que ninguém nunca havia ousado entrar ficava a três quadaras da sua. Eram meia-noite não duas.. ou seriam três da manhã? Não importava, Fábio corria em direçao à sombria casa.
Enquanto corria vinham à sua mente imagem dos olhos que o chamavam. Chegavam imagens da sua infância, que também eram sobrepostas. Tudo isso era muito estranho mas Fábio não se preocupou em desvendar seus pensamentos, apenas em chegar à casa.
Chegou. Ele a olhava, ofegante, e feliz, ou estaria triste?
A porta estava aberta mesmo a casa estando abandonada há anos. Mas a porta estava aberta. Fábio olhou para dentro. Parou, pensou, e passou do pequeno portão cinza e antigo. Atravessou o pequeno quintal, com três passadas, ou teriam sido mil, não sabia mais.
Chegou à porta. Olhou para dentro e viu uma pequena escada. Aqueles olhos estavam o chamando lá de cima. Ac asa teria quantos andares. Não se lembrava mais. Tomado de dúvida, alegria, desespero e uma irracional vontade, Fábio foi em direção à escada.
Um estrondo! A porta então se fechou. A rua estava deserta ninguém viu ou percebeu o que aconteceu.
Fábio não compareceu à sua formatura. Depois daquele dia nimguém nunca mais o viu.
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2008
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I read your text in Google Translator (...globalization). Portuguese translated from google in the most simple English grammar for a greek is a nightmare. Despite the difficulties of the translation I managed to undestarstand (Mais o menos) your thoughts. Yes I am the greek person who argued about Brazil and Braziu.
I agree to most of the parts but I think that your target is wrong. The use of words should be as mature as the writer. Communication is not very different from Politics. In political life we have Laws and judges in communication we have Grammar and professors of language.
Γραμμα (=gramma) in greek it means something that is written ... to get it a little further it comes from the verb "γράφω" (=write) and there is a reason why there are 2 m's. It's for understanding how many independent different meanings are inside a word. It's for our benefit to know the method that the words were made rather that just know the result.
Think about Mathematics....we learn to do calculations not just to memorize the results. The language as an alive thing has to pass through the genearations. Some parts are dead and we don't even know. Many parts are being born this moment and some of them will survive.
Grammar is the set of rules that has to be accepted by everyone and that's a convnention that we had to do to understand each other. The most efficient and reliable way to pass the rules to the next generation is to write. But grammar is just only an instrument of communication. The use of this instrument defines the results. The ancient scripts are still a remarkable way to communicate with our ancestors. We couldn't have cinema now if we didn't have tragedies written.
Anarchy in greek means something without start. Start in greek has the meaning of a great value like kindness for example. Language without rules would be we couldn't talk right know. It's not tradition.. an obligation is a NEED. Do you think that you could re-invent computers if somebody didn't invent electricity and if someone didn't do a convention for a word to decribe the phenomenon of electricity?
We all understand how strict have to be the rules ...because a small declination could have serious effects. For example there are sounds in Brazilian laguage that you are not used to talk Θ (=theta) or Δ (=delta). Even modern greeks lost the meaning of the differenes between the six differents i's that they use every day (ι,υ,οι,υι,η,ει)...they all sound the same now but 2000 years ago no!
when we use a word that we don't care to find where it came from or what's the reason of its the same as using a proved theorem. When we do that very often through the generation we loose the initial meaning and its wisdom. We don't have development. We loose the spiritual findings of our fathers. And why....because we think that it is very difficult. It is but all the things that have a value are a little difficult to reach. Knowledge is power and so does the right use of language. Of course the use of laguage varies and can be used for many Grammar is not a tyrrany but a democracy. It's a choice that we make every single day. We vote the rules that we like to use. If we break a rule we have consequencies. But if we break it as nation we have more severe consequencies. I can't understand Portuguese even though Portuguese has many words of the same root with Greek words.
Grammar is just an image of our society...that's the right target. In order to hit the target we have to describe the exact problem. In order to describe we have to know how to use words right...Simplicity comes after complexity. And Complexity comes after simplicity. We have the right to choose only one but we also have the obligation to pass this choice to our children. Maybe they will have the will to find what is hidden behind the words...
Luiz you rule!
certo ou errado, gramaticalmente (e notei alguns erros), entendi o texto completamente.
apesar de serem erros nao intencionais, um texto artistico nao exige a norma culta da lingua.
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